Friday, October 9, 2020

Mass Wasting Risks in South Korea

 Devastating landslides in South Korea - and fears of more to come - The  Landslide Blog - AGU Blogosphere

Mass Wasting Risks

According to, "mass wasting is the movement of rock and soil down slope under the influence of gravity." If rainfall or earthquakes affects mountains, forests, or mass amounts of land, it can cause rock falls, landslides, mudslides, and overall debris will be scattered. The amount of damage that could be caused by mass wasting depends on the amount of water that came into contact, how steep the slope is, and how large the mass is. The picture below shows how mass wasting can be caused in different scenarios.

In my previous blogs I explained how South Korea is at great risks for flooding, earthquakes, and more. Recently, South Korea's capital, Seoul, has been exposed to a monsoon with consistent rainfall that lasted for 42 days that caused landslides, debris, and flooding in the city areas and highways, taking lives of many. 

According to Dave Petley, there were two major landslides in the Gang-won Province and Seoul. In the images shown, it looks like a mudslide is also what took place as it was near a lot of vegetation. The debris from that actually penetrated many buildings.

According to BBC News, the Han River experienced major flooding into the city of Seoul due to the rainfall that occurred consecutively for 42 days. "15 people have died and more than 1,500 have been forced from their homes.." Due to the corona-virus, it is extremely difficult to shelter the people affected and the ones who lost their homes. 

Works Cited:

“Mass Wasting.” National Parks Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, 11 Sept. 2019,

Petley, Dave. “Landslides Mudslides.” The Landslide Blog, American Geophysical Union, 28 July 2011,


  1. Not aware of all the mass-wasting in South Korea. Also your post was very informative.

  2. love how you carefully explained it and showed many pictures to fully help the readers understand.

  3. Thank you for your blog on mass wasting in South Korea. I enjoyed reading your blog your pictures show what you are learning about perfectly.

  4. Nice research. Any mitigation efforts?

  5. Thank you for providing such great info about South Korea and how the mass wasting is affecting South Korea.


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